1. Open your Gmail account and sign in.
  2. In the top left corner of your screen, click on the three lines that say “Gmail.”
  3. On the next screen, click on “Settings.”
  4. In the “Settings” screen, click on “Mail Preferences.”
  5. In the “Mail Preferences” screen, click on “Add New Email Address.”
  6. In the new email address field, type in a unique name for your email (e.g., john@example).
  7. Click on “Save Changes.”

The Dot Hack

If you don’t already know, Gmail doesn’t consider any extra dots in your account name when processing email. So for example, I could write out my email address as aseem.1234@gmail.com instead of the normal aseem1234@gmail.com.

If you want to receive email from a website or forum, simply add an extra dot at the end of your email address. This will ensure that your email is not filtered and will reach you. ..

The Plus Hack

This Gmail hack has been around for a long time and most people already know about it. Simply place a “+” after your account name and add a word or words to uniquely identify that email address.

If you want to keep your current email address and add a financial institution, there are a few things you can do. First, sign up for a new account at the financial institution. Once you have an account, go to the “My Account” page and click on “Change Email Address.” Enter your new email address and click on “Update.” You will now receive all emails related to your financial activities at your new address. ..

This is a simple way to keep your financial institutions separate from your personal email address. You never have to worry about updating your filter, and you can always use the same senders for all of your financial institutions.

The plus hack is a useful tool, but it has a downside that can be a problem for some people. For example, if you use an online form to get your email address, the form might block the plus hack because it’s not considered a normal symbol. To work around this problem, you might want to try using the Dot hack or the Googlemail hack I’m about to mention.

The Googlemail Hack

If you want to keep your original email address but still use a different email account, you can change the last part of your account to googlemail.com. This way, if someone knows your normal gmail address, they won’t be able to find your new googlemail address. ..

Googlemail.com is the same as Gmail. If you want to keep your account name consistent without all of the dots or plus signs, then you can just use googlemail.com instead.

If you want to give out your email address to clients or customers, you need to create a filter on the sender email address. This way, only emails from people you want to receive messages from will be sent to your inbox. ..

If you’re a business owner, you may want to consider using a separate email address for your business correspondence. This way, all your clients’ emails will be automatically filtered to a specific email address. This is especially helpful if you don’t know the addresses of all the senders, as creating a filter on the customized To address works much better.

Gmail has been hacked before. If you’re used to using Gmail, it’s nothing new. However, if you switched from Yahoo, Outlook, etc., it’s worth knowing about. ..