But the more time you spend imagining all the millions of dollars you will make from your site the more you realize that you are not hitting your targets. You make a couple of sales a day, but why aren’t you making a hundred more?
The goal of this article is to help you boost the sales of your e-commerce website. Sure you can find dozens of best practices online but which ones can actually benefit your site? What do you need to focus on? Here are things you need to optimize so that you can increase your bottom line.
#1 Write Unique and Interesting Product Descriptions
An e-commerce website should have product descriptions because customers will only buy a product after reading the product description. But herein lies the problem: Many e-commerce sites have boring product descriptions! So what you should do if you want yours to stand out is to write more copy. Describe the product, explain how to use it… SELL your product. The longer the product description the better for you. Not just because it’s going to likely convince a potential customer to buy it but also because it’s good for SEO. The more copy you add in your product description, the better its chances of appearing in Google and other search engines. A good product description page should have several sections and it should include not just a copy, but also images, videos and even infographics. Did we mention make it interesting? It bears mentioning again! And let’s not forget, your product description should be unique. Nothing can anger Google more than scraping content online. Writing your own unique content for each product is time-consuming I know but it’s going to be well worth your effort, believe me! Lastly, do not forget to write your product description (ie Copy) in such a way that it will convince the reader to read more and eventually buy the product.
#2 Increase the Size of Your Images
Studies have shown that large product images lead to higher conversion rates. That may be because of several reasons. First, if the image is large, then the shopper can get a closer look at the product. Secondly, remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Well, it’s particularly true for e-commerce websites. One test was done to prove this. A Czech e-commerce website tested the effects of using 2 different sizes of images. It was found that the image that filled the entire grid space experienced a boost in conversion rate by almost 10%.
#3 Use Your Primary (Main) Keyword in the Page Title
As an SEO expert worth his salt will tell you, the one most important element on the product page when it comes to search engine optimization is the title tag and so every page on your site should have one. Not only that, but every page should have a different title tag. The title tag is what a web crawler will check every time they index your web page. And since providing relevant content is necessary for Google, they prefer that you add a properly optimized title for each page so they can then show it to the person searching for a particular product or information.
#4 Keep Your Options to a Minimum
A common misconception is that selling more products will lead to more sales. After all, having a large choice of products means attracting a wider market. But this is not always the case. In fact, specializing in a particular niche or offering fewer choices might be better for your business. Giving them too many choices will kill your conversions. But I’m not here to preach to you about what products you should sell. What I’m really trying to convey here about reducing options has something to do with your payment form – you know, the page wherein a particular customer will need to provide information about their name and credit card details. The more fields there are in the form, the more likely it is for you to lose a potential sale. If you ask for an address, you are 4% less likely to convert. If you ask for a phone number, 5% of potential buyers will click out. If you ask for their age, you lose 3% of possible customers. The shorter your form fields, the higher your chances of converting.
Owning an e-commerce website is challenging and there are too many factors that can affect your bottom line. But by simply following the tips above, you can increase your chances of boosting your sales and increasing your revenue. And you know what the best thing about it is? They cost nothing. Sure they can be time-consuming but the results will make a huge difference on your bottom line. What changes to your website have you done which led to better sales for your business? Do share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions below.