If you are a teacher and you are looking for ways to make your lectures more amazing, so that students are really interested in learning, then you have come to the right place. This article will show you that how you can use technology to make that happen. And you don’t have to worry; it’s quite easy and you don’t have to be very tech savvy to understand it. So without further ado, let’s take a look.

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Chances are you are already familiar with presentations and use it on a regular basis. If that’s the case, then there is still room for improvement: you can make your presentations more fun by including more animations. Animations make it really easy to understand how something works. And one thing that you should keep in mind is that you should spend a good amount of time on these presentations. The better they are, the easier it will be for your students to understand a topic.

How to Add Visual Impact to Your PowerPoint Presentation? Diagram: A Visual Treat into Any Presentation


Presentations are good, but videos are better. There are tons of videos available on the internet that can help one understand a particular topic or master specific software. In fact, there are some institutes that make videos just for children and other informative videos that can be watched in a class. That is why you should gather some videos, tutorials or lectures that relate to the topics that you are going to cover in a class and then show those videos to your class.

Start A blog

For one reason or another, at least one or more students are always absent every day. Something that can really help them is an online blog on which you can post short notes pertaining to the topic that you cover every day. This will not only help those who are absent but will also help those students who were unable to understand something in the class.


A podcast is a recording in which one or more people discuss a topic or just talk about something. You can also make podcasts and then upload it to your blog. As a podcast can be heard while doing something else, so your students will be able to listen to it at any time.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing may sound like something that belongs in the meeting room of a multibillion-dollar company, but you can use it too. It’s simple to set up and you can use it to ask professionals or other teachers to deliver lectures to your class, even if they are in another city or even another country. Learn about – 4 Effective Educational Tools for Modern Class Rooms.

How Can Teachers Make Their Classes The Best Using Technology  - 13