Twitter Lists are a great way to organize and keep track of accounts that interest you. Using Lists lets you see only the content you want to see, without having to scroll through your timeline. ..

If you’re interested in sports, it’s important to follow accounts like ESPN and Sky Sports. However, these accounts can be overwhelmed by the more active users on your timeline. ..

To fix this, you could create a Twitter List named “Sports News” and put ESPN, Sky Sports, and as many other Twitter accounts as you want on it. Then, when you visit that Twitter List, you’ll only see recent tweets from the users who are following that list.

Twitter doesn’t do a great job of supporting Lists, which can make it difficult to keep track of what’s happening in your timeline. You need to open the account in a new tab to add a user to a List. It’s slow and frustrating.

Twitter Lists Redux is a tool that makes managing your Twitter Lists much easier. It allows you to easily add, remove, and move tweets from your lists without having to remember every individual tweet. Additionally, it keeps track of the latest tweets from each list member so you can quickly see what is happening on each list.

Install Twitter Lists Redux

Twitter Lists Redux can be installed from the official Chrome Web Store. Although the installation will place an icon in your extensions bar (right of the address bar), there is no functionality associated with the icon.

Twitter Lists Redux is a website that lets you create and manage lists of tweets. ..

Go to Twitter

Creating Lists can help you find and follow other people who share similar interests, and it can also help you find new content to follow. ..

You can now access your Lists on the left-hand column, beneath your statistics and above the current Trends.

This is a big step forward for making Lists easier to use. You can now get to your Lists straight from your Timeline instead of expending several extra clicks through your profile page.

Manage Your Lists

You can add or remove users from your Lists by hovering their username on your Timeline.

You can do this from any other page where hovering a Twitter username brings up the profile card, including your other Lists and other users’ Timelines.

Twitter Lists Redux enables you to sort your Lists in alphabetical order. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for on the platform.

You can reset the sorting order of your Lists by clicking the slider icon and then clicking Reset sorting. This will order your Lists based on when they were created, newest first.

If you ever want to sort your Lists alphabetically again, just click the slider icon and then click Sort alphabetically.

Twitter Lists Redux is a Chrome extension that makes using Twitter Lists much easier. Before installing it, Twitter Lists feel like a chore. After, they unlock a whole new way to use one of the world’s most popular social networks. ..