Telegram is a messaging app that you can use to send high-quality photos and videos online. You can use it on both mobile and desktop versions of the app. One of the most useful features of Telegram is that you can send them using just a few taps. To start, open the app and sign in with your account information. Then, tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen. This will take you to your messages list. From here, you can select one of your messages to send. To send a photo or video, just tap on the blue button in the top right corner of the message box. Then, enter a caption for your message and hit send.

Why Use Telegram to Send High-Quality Photos & Videos?

To ensure that your files are of the best quality when they’re sent or received, use a messaging platform that uses different image compression techniques. This will help to reduce the chances of blurry photos and videos reaching your recipient.

When you send uncompressed files through Telegram, you can avoid disappointment and ensure that both the sender and the recipient get the same quality photos and videos. Plus, on Telegram, you don’t have to worry about the files being too big - as the app allows you to exchange large files. Thanks to Telegram’s superior security protocols, you also don’t have to worry about keeping your media files private.

What’s the Max File Size that You Can Share on Telegram? 

Telegram is the only messaging platform that allows you to send files of up to 2GB in size. This is an important advantage over other platforms, which limit file sizes to 16MB or 100MB. ..

You can send photos and videos over Telegram at their full quality without exceeding 2GB. You can also use Telegram as unlimited cloud storage for your files. Even if you accidentally delete a file from your phone but still have it on Telegram, you can download it again at any time.

How to Send Uncompressed Photos & Videos in Telegram Mobile 

To send uncompressed media files in the Telegram mobile app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Telegram app and sign in.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to get a list of your channels.
  3. Scroll down to channels that you want to join and tap on them.
  4. Tap on “send.”

If you’re looking to send photos and videos in their original quality, you can use the Telegram method. This will allow you to send uncompressed files, which is great if you want to keep your photos and videos looking their best. ..

After your files have been uploaded, they will not be compressed first. ..

How to Send Uncompressed Photos and Videos in Telegram Desktop

  1. Open the Telegram app and sign in with your account.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen and select “send.”
  3. Type “photos” into the text field and click on the send button.
  4. Type “videos” into the text field and click on the send button.

If you’re using Telegram to send videos, you won’t be able to see the option to send them without compression. That’s because Telegram doesn’t compress video files, so you don’t have to worry about keeping your videos high-quality.

Share Your High-Quality Photos and Videos on Telegram

You can easily exchange images and videos with your friends or colleagues on Telegram without worrying about compression and reduced quality. ..

Do you often send high-quality photos and videos online? Do you use Telegram for it or some other app? Share your experience with file transfers in the comments section below. ..