One of the most important things to remember when it comes to elderly users is that they need to be taken care of. They need to be kept comfortable, fed and clothed. It’s also important that they are given the opportunity to use the technology they love without having it interfered with. We have a lot of experience providing help and instruction to people of all ages, so we can provide just that for our elderly customers.

If you have users who fall into the category of “tech beginners,” these tips can make the process of teaching technology much easier. ..

Never Condescend

Don’t be afraid to ask people about their technology knowledge. It’s a great way to get to know someone and learn more about their interests.

When working with someone, always have patience and respect. If either party gets frustrated, take a time-out and try again after a few minutes. Listen to the person to understand where they’re coming from, don’t simply wait for your turn to speak.

Take Existing Knowledge Into Account

Each user you’re trying to help is not a blank slate! Take the time to get a handle on what your user already knows. Older users may actually have technical knowledge that’s out of date, but can still be built upon.

In order to be a successful teacher, you need to have a good level of knowledge in different areas. In this article, I will give you some tips on how to adapt your instruction to match the level and type of knowledge of your students.

Be Aware Of Physical Limitations

Many older users have problems with their eyesight, hearing, dexterity and even the speed with which they can follow instructions. Be open about this and ask that you be told of any issues such as these coming to the fore.

Many devices now have accessibility features that can help older users learn more about the world around them. By using these features, you can help them become more aware of their surroundings and be able to interact with the world in a more comfortable way.

Explain Yourself

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you can answer them convincingly, you may be able to help someone understand something they don’t understand on their own.

Questions about the technology itself or giving simple answers can be helpful, but don’t dismiss questions about the nature of the technology. If understanding the technology will help someone use a device or application better, proactively include explanations.

Chill With The Jargon

The jargon in our field is a major barrier to entry for those who don’t already know the lingo. It’s a good tool for knowledgeable people to efficiently talk to each other, but it can also be a major obstacle for someone who isn’t already an insider.

In practical terms, this means that you should not use jargon tech terms unless absolutely necessary. Instead, explain things in common parlance, using terms that most people would know.

Encourage a Hands-On Approach

In order to teach someone how to do something themselves, resist the urge to take over and let them act out your instructions using their own hands. This will help them learn the skill on their own and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

There’s an ocean of difference between passively watching someone do something and doing it yourself. So give them every opportunity to get hands-on time.

Focus On Building Confidence

Technology can be a great way to connect with the world, but it can also be a source of fear. If you don’t understand something, it’s easy to find it scary. Fear is a major factor when dealing with technology, and it can drive people crazy.

The main point of this article is that older users should not be afraid of technology and should be able to understand it. To make this easier, it is important to replace fear with confidence.

Don’t assume that just because something is digital, you can break it. Even if someone’s important information is backed up or safely in the cloud, there’s a chance you’ll have to reset something. ..

The best way to learn about a new technology is to experiment with it. Make sure you’re not afraid of making mistakes and that you’re always encouraged to explore.

Teach Them To Fish With a Problem-Solving Mindset

One of the best ways to teach someone about technology is to have them work with it on their own. This way, they will be able to understand it better and be able to take it apart and put it back together in order to achieve specific goals.

When it comes to technology, it’s important to have a problem-solving attitude. If they encounter an error or something happens that wasn’t covered in the instructions, encourage them to Google search and independent attempts at fixing the issue before calling for help.

Always Keep it Relevant!

Adult education is a way to keep your skills relevant and current.

When it comes to teaching adults, it’s important to always keep in mind that they value their time and want to know what the practical application of a piece of knowledge is. So, unless the individual is interested in the technology for its own sake, you’ll get much better results by always framing information in terms of its relevance and usefulness. ..

No One Is Too Old To Learn

Many people in their late 70s and 80s are still able to learn new skills and technologies. They may not be as proficient as someone in their early 30s or 40s, but they are still able to use these skills to their advantage.

Which means that you have to be open-minded when helping older users get to grips with new technology. After all, how would you like to be treated if the roles were reversed?