IP Address is a valuable piece of personal information that can be used to track our movements and activities.

According to a security researcher, more than 11 crore Indian cardholder’s cards data including personal details & KYC soft copy allegedly leaked from the company server.

We can use VPNs and other online security measures to help us keep our identities hidden while surfing the internet.

We will be using a VPN service to mask our IP address and make it seem as if we are connecting from another location. ..

Why should we use internet anonymously?

The answer to this question may be different for different types of users/consumers, but the ultimate conclusion to all the answers ends with ‘Privacy’.

We all love our privacy, but some people want to show off their personal information online. So, we use an anonymous internet service to keep our information private.

There are many benefits for surfing the internet anonymously, including the ability to remain anonymous and unseen online. This can protect you from being tracked or monitored, which can have serious consequences for your safety and well-being. Additionally, using an anonymized website can help you stay anonymous when communicating with others online. By using an anonymized website, you can avoid being tracked or monitored by your ISP or other third-party providers.

Your identity will be hidden from the online world, you can only access geo-restricted websites (when using a VPN), and you can access ISP blocked services and websites.

We are not responsible for any negative consequences that may arise from the information contained herein.

How to use internet anonymously?

Anonymity is key when surfing the internet, and there are a few simple practices that can help us to stay anonymous. First, we can use a VPN service to encrypt our traffic and hide our identity. Second, we can use a proxy service to mask our IP address and location. And finally, we can use privacy settings on our browsers and devices to keep our browsing habits hidden. ..

On PC/Laptop

Methods 1: Using VPN

VPNs are a great way to anonymize your internet use and keep your personal information hidden. By using a VPN, you can create a private network and tunnel all traffic through it, so that no one can see what you’re doing online. This will help you stay anonymous and safe online.

The ISP has assigned an IP address to you, but they’ve also hidden it from you. They’ve replaced the IP address with their own, which is likely a server you’re connected to. This is a sneaky way of hiding the original IP address and making it harder for you to track down the source of the problem.

For example, if you are connecting to a US server but you are residing in India, then the IP address will reflect your location as United States.

A premium VPN service provides a good number of servers, which balances the internet speed. A free or cheap VPN provider has a limited number of servers, and most of the time we don’t get proper internet speed. ..

VPNs are a great way to protect yourself online. They allow you to access the internet anonymously, and they can help you stay safe when traveling. Here are five of the best VPNs available right now.

Premium VPN providers allow you to connect to their servers using their native apps or through PC OS settings. We recommend connecting via configuring the VPN manually, as it is safe and it doesn’t require any extra application to depend on.

VPN profiles can help protect your online privacy and security. To add a VPN profile to your device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your device.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select VPN Profiles.
  3. Click on Add Profile.
  4. Enter your desired information into the fields below and click on Add Profile.
  5. Your new VPN profile will be added to your device and you can use it to connect to the internet anonymously!

Method 2: Using TOR Browser

TOR is a secure browser that allows you to access the Dark Web. So using TOR will not harm you in any way.

This is a way to hide your IP address while surfing the internet.

Tor is a network of volunteer-run servers that helps protect the privacy of users by routing their traffic through a series of anonymous networks. ..

When using the TOR browser, you may lose some of your internet speed and bandwidth, depending on how well your ISP routes traffic through TOR.

Method 3: Using Incognito Mode

We want to know how our data is being used and shared by our web browser companies. We want to know what information is being collected, how it’s being used, and who has access to it. We also want to make sure that our data is protected and that it doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

Every web browser has a separate tab called the incognito mode, which basically means that all the cookies and browsing history will not be saved by the web browser. However, you are not 100% safe but to a good extend you are not providing your private information like websites you visited, to the web browser. ..

Method 4: Using Proxy Servers

Proxy servers are designed to keep your IP address hidden from the targeted web server. This can help you avoid being tracked by the website or its tracking cookies. Proxy servers also work as a middleman, helping you and the website communicate instead of using direct communication methods.

To watch a movie from India that is only available in the US region, you can use a proxy server to connect to a US server. The US server will send the data from its IP address to the content platform, which will successfully verify the location and then send you the accessible content. ..

Proxy servers and tunneling are two ways to skirt the censorship of a website or application. Proxy servers are web-based proxies that act as intermediaries between the user and the website or application they’re trying to access. They can be used to access censored websites or applications by disguising the source IP address of the proxy server as that of a more popular website or application. Tunneling is a technique used to send traffic through an intermediary, such as a proxy server, so that it appears to come from the original source IP address. This can help protect users from censorship by hiding their true location.

On Mobile Device

Method 1: Using VPN

The VPN is the best way to anonymize your IP address and surf the internet anonymously. We won’t be discussing again the VPN.

Like the PC, on mobile too, we have the option to use the native app as well as the manual configuration method. The manual method can be a bit tricky for non-technical users but it is the safest method to connect to a VPN server.

A VPN is a virtual private network, which is a type of service that allows users to access the internet anonymously. A VPN can help you protect your online privacy and security, by hiding your true IP address and encrypting your traffic.

Method 2: Using Private DNS

This is a method to hide our standard DNS, which was first introduced with Android 9. Google added the feature to get rid of the standard DNS assigned by ISP.

There are a number of good and open source private DNS providers like Cloudflare and Google DNS that can help mask the data being sent to the targeting server. ..

Domain Name System is a system that allows you to identify a specific website by its unique address.

When you try to open a website with a friendly URL (like www.google.com), the ISP instructs the phone to connect to the DNS server, which resolves the domain name with the original IP address, and then opens the website.

Cloudflare is a private DNS provider that provides VPN service. While using Cloudflare, the ISP part is replaced by Cloudflare. It’s not as effective as a VPN but it does a good job.

A DNS server not responding error is a common problem in Windows 10. The problem can occur when the DNS server is not working properly and cannot find the correct records to answer your requests. To fix this issue, you can try changing the DNS server or adding a new one.

Method 3: Using Private Search Engines

Private search engines are a new term for you. They are a way to find information privately, without having to rely on public search engines.

Google is one of the best search engines because it collects data about what people are looking for and uses that information to provide them with better results. ..

Google is a data-storage company that has been criticized for its lack of security. ..

Search engines can be helpful for finding information, but it’s important to use one that is privacy-focused to avoid being tracked. ..

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that focuses on privacy. You can use it as your default search engine, or you can download the app and use it to stay safe online.

[Bonus Method] By Changing ISP

If your ISP is known for handing over customer’s information to authorities, you can always choose to use one that is more concerned about its customers’ privacy.

In the US, most ISPs hand over their data without a fight, but there are a few that choose to do so. Some ISPs in the US choose to hand over their data to government agencies, but it is optional for them.

Some ISPs have made a step in the right direction by pledging to put the customer’s privacy first. However, the major ISPs have still opted into the voluntary act of handing over their information to their customers. ..

If you want to switch broadband providers, there are a few things you can do to break the contract. ..

Final Verdict

How can we keep ourselves safe online without using the internet? This is not possible in today’s world where we are so reliant on the internet for our daily tasks. ..

The following methods can help you use the internet anonymously on your PC or smartphone:

  1. Use a VPN service: A VPN service helps you encrypt your traffic and protect your privacy. This will make it difficult for anyone to track or spy on you online.
  2. Use TOR: TOR is a network of nodes that helps you anonymize your traffic by hiding your IP address and location. This will make it difficult for anyone to track or spy on you online.