Cleaning the electric clippers need not be a painful drill. You can make use of a brush to wipe off remaining hair strands on the blades followed by spraying a multipurpose disinfectant after each usage. Other than disinfecting, these sprays also lubricate the blades simultaneously. This whole process should ideally be deployed two to three times a month. But if you are not making use of disinfectant sprays, then you need to increase its frequency. Electric clippers get exposed to dirty food, air, and many more harmful particles. Thus, it might pave the way for infection and skin irritation if not cleaned on a regular basis. Usually, the electric beard trimmers come with a small brush. If such an accessory is not present, you can either buy one or make use of a toothbrush. After cleaning the strands of hair, turn back the trimmer for around twenty seconds and then repeat the cleaning drill once more. This loosens up the remaining hair strands which got missed in the first attempt. It is most likely that your trimmer will get cleansed once you are done with the steps listed out above. But if some hair strands still persist to cling on to the trimmer surface, then make use of a toothpick or cotton swab to get it out from the crevices. Complete the process by sweeping over the crevices using your brush to remove the unstuck hair. Beard trimmers are usually accompanied by small bottles, oil which help in getting the lubrication work done. Oiling of the trimmer is imperative to ensure its smooth run but make sure that you have turned off the device before oiling it. It is also necessary to ensure that the beard trimmer is completely clean and free of extra hair before you lubricate the same. Keep the oil usage limited to just one or two drops. Else it might just ruin your beard trimmer. You can use a brush to evenly distribute the oil, but make sure that the brush does not absorb the same. Store your clippers in a well-ventilated and dry space just like the razor. It might seem tempting to throw in the clipper along with a horde of other objects in that multi-purpose drawer. But this will just increase the chances of bacteria accumulate on the same. You can keep a beard just like the Hollywood heartthrobs if you select the beard trimmer which will serve your needs and maintain the same properly.