If you’re concerned about your privacy, it’s important to be aware of the ways that websites can track your activity. Websites may collect information about what you view, how long you spend on a page, and which links you click. This information can be used to target ads to you or to compile a profile of your interests. ..

Many people believe that tracking cookies are malicious and dangerous because they can be used to track users’ browsing habits. However, the user has the power to decide if they want to regularly scan for and delete tracking cookies. With the introduction of Do Not Track, many browsers allow users to block most tracking cookies. Still, some may slip through. ..

Cookies are small files that a website saves on your computer. They can be used to track how you’ve interacted with the website, and can also be used to remember your preferences. Cookies are often used by websites to improve user experience and personalize content for you. You can get rid of cookies by disabling them on your computer, or by using a browser extension that does this for you.

What are Tracking Cookies?

Tracking cookies are used by websites to keep track of the pages a user visits and the actions they take on those pages. This information is then used to improve the user experience on future visits to that website. For example, if you visit a website and fill out a form, the website may use tracking cookies to see which fields you filled out and what you clicked on next. This information can then be used to create better forms for future users. ..

Cookies are used by websites to store information about a visitor’s preferences, such as the site they visited before coming to this one. This information is then used to show targeted ads on other websites. However, tracking cookies can also be used to track the activities of a visitor across different websites. ..

Some websites use tracking cookies to keep track of where you go on the Internet. This information is then used to target ads to you in the future. This is commonly done for retargeting purposes. ..

If you visit a website that is run by Google, your activity on that website may also carry over to an entirely different one that is also displaying Google’s ads.

Are Tracking Cookies Bad?

If you’re someone who is alerted by tracking cookies during a virus scan, be advised that these files are not malicious and will not do damage to your computer. ..

The tracking cookies of major advertising networks can be large and contain personal information of users, which may be seen as invasive. Some companies that use tracking cookies in this way include AddThis, Facebook, Google, Quantserve, and Twitter.

If you’re not comfortable with cookies, be sure to read our Cookie Policy for more information.

Tracking cookies are not harmful to your PC, but they can infringe upon your privacy in ways that you may consider to be unethical.

How Can I Avoid Tracking Cookies?

Thanks to Do Not Track legislation, you can put a stop to many tracking cookies before they even materialize. Every major browser supports this functionality via privacy settings—we even have a guide on enabling Do Not Track in Microsoft Edge.

If you’re a Google Chrome user, you can head to the Settings page, and under Privacy and Security, you can enable the “Send a “Do Not Track” request with your browsing traffic” option. This will prevent Google from tracking your browsing activity, even if you choose not to have it tracked.

Many websites and advertisers offer “Do Not Track” functionality. Twitter is one example, where going to the Personalization and Data settings will show a variety of tracking-based preferences. ..

The NAI Consumer Opt-Out page can help you identify and opt out of advertisers who are using tracking cookies on your browser. It supports a mass opt-out feature that simplifies the process.

You can opt out of third-party, interest-based advertising by going to organizations like Oracle and Acxiom. ..

If you want to clear your browser’s cookies regularly, or if you want to get rid of tracking cookies during routine health scans, there are a few options available. Clearing cookies every few days or weeks can help prevent them from growing large enough to be seen as invasive and dangerous. ..

Regardless of your cookie preferences, it is important to be aware of the ways in which websites track your activity. By following these simple steps, you can help protect your privacy and keep your PC safe. ..